Home News The Gun Control Generation

The Gun Control Generation


“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.”
– Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824

I’ll be the first one to say that I’m aware not all current teens and young adults believe in gun control or creating policy to help enable gun control. But I will also be the first to say that this same generation has a vast majority that do believe in changing the current laws or even abolishing the second amendment as a whole. These are the same people that beg for our entire country to be free of guns but complain that law enforcement and clear backpacks infringe on their rights. Quite the double standard.

I refuse to refer to these student protesters as children and this is why. When you question my constitutional rights on a public forum and accuse me of being just as guilty as the criminals that commit gun crime, you have just surrendered your innocence to public opinion. If you are willing to publicly speak in a derogatory context of people of which you do not know, you must be willing to hear the opinions of the people of which you are speaking, no matter how harsh they may be.

The problem with changing our current laws protected by the U.S. Constitution is that there is no room for change. These are non-negotiable rights that every United States citizen is granted at birth. To change the second amendment to impose a false sense of security is as backwards as saying that I can’t write this article because some people will not agree with it. That is the beauty of the U.S. Constitution. Our rights are protected by the law of the land, and if those rights are threatened, the second amendment allows us to defend our rights against those threats, foreign and domestic. I fear the day that the people of this country begin to surrender their rights for the feelings of those who care nothing of their rights and freedoms. That day is closer than it has ever been.

Most of the arguments that I have heard from people that want gun control are referring to the Australian gun “buy back” of 1996. They say that homicide rates diminished and that violent crime is at an all time low. Now, that’s quite an exaggeration. Yes, the homicide rate has been on a steady decrease since 1996. What they fail to mention is that the homicide rate in the U.S. has been on a steady decrease since 1993 as well. They also fail to mention the fact that there are currently more firearm owners in the United States since its birth as a country. These facts alone almost completely eliminate the gun control argument.

The problem we are facing today has nothing to do with guns and it has everything to do with how we are failing as a society. Guns have always been in this country and always will be, with or without changing the laws. Society has stopped caring for one another. We have stopped holding our children accountable for their actions. Parents have stopped being parents and have begun to depend on the government and school system to raise their offspring. Law enforcement agencies repeatedly look past warnings and fail to communicate with other agencies that could potentially prevent a tragedy.

The mental health system in the country is a joke and people with very treatable illness are just looked past. No mentally sane person would commit a mass shooting or violence against children. That is a fact everyone can agree on. We all know there are many issues in this country. But lets be realistic and address the issues that will actually make a change for the better instead of infringing on the rights of those who have done nothing but be law abiding citizens. We can not fix the system overnight but what we can do is make sure our children are protected, and if that means with a gun, so be it.

Sources; www.washingtonpost.com www.factcheck.org

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Robbie Borders is a outdoors and gun enthusiast from Louisville, Kentucky. He has a passion for all things firearms related and spends most of his spare time hunting, fishing or shooting. He is also a former mixed martial artist who loves all things self defense.


  1. The millennials are a unique generation of cowards and uneducated anti-American activists. They act like fascists, yet call everyone they disagree with fascists. The NEA was taken over by anti-American communist democrats back in 1964. Since then, there has been an effort to not educated but indoctrinate stooges and drones, not free-thinking Americans. After all, if they were educated they would not blindly fall for the Lenin lies. Bernie and Hillary, both 1960’s hard-core communists, told their voters “The government will supply everything from toilet paper to a new home, for free. You will receive, uhhh, $135,000 from the richest government on Earth.” The uneducated morons believe it, just as the Cubans did, the Venezuelans, the Chinese, the Russians, etc. “..the security of a free state..” requires American citizens to control their government by force if necessary. But, cowardice is the stickler there. American citizens want their beer and football. They do not want to lose their ‘stuff’. The United States will become a communist country because the people would rather live in chains than exert a little effort to live as free men.
    Cowardice and apathy will keep America on the path to communism.


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