Home News Obama Re-election Causes Surge in Ammo/Gun Sales

Obama Re-election Causes Surge in Ammo/Gun Sales


Remember back in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected? Remember how all the ammo shelves were empty and it took forever to get that AR you ordered? Well it looks like that’s back, just hours after President Obama’s re-election there has been a huge surge in the sales of guns and ammunition. Many firearms and ammo makers took to Facebook to let their customers know to expect delays in shipping because of the wave of new orders.

Ammo manufacturer Freedom Munitions even went so far as to ask customers to slow down on their ordering to give them some time to keep up with the mad rush of orders. Shares of Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. rose 10.8% and Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc 6.4% as the markets opened the day after the election.

Is all this ammo hording and gun shopping just based on pure hype and speculation like back in 2008? Well this time around it actually seems like there may be some truth to all the gun shop banter we’ve been hearing over the past few years. During the Presidential debates Obama stated that he would in fact be in favor of reinstating an assault weapons ban:

”What I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced.”

And it’s not just talk either, California Senator Dianne Feinstein is rumored to be already working with the ATF to ban rifles with pistol grips as well as high-capacity magazines. If you were planning on picking up a new AR, AK or some ammo it looks like now is the time to do it.

[Top image from breitbart.com]


  1. What are the guns stores going to do if a Republican gets elected? They’ll go outta business.

    Give me a break. Obama says gun control every 200 speeches just to keep the far left happy. It’ll never happen, and in the meantime everyone is getting a reaming on guns and ammo.


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