If you haven’t seen the preview for Captain America yet head over to YouTube, it looks pretty good, and he uses a 1911 pistol! The legendary motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson made five motorcycles for the upcoming movie, one of which is featured at the Harley-Davidson museum. They also have Captain America’s helmet and shield on display at the Milwaukee Harley museum.
Harley-Davidson led the design of the WWII replica bikes for the famed super hero. Salvaggio Automotive Design modified a Harley-Davidson Cross Bones model motorcycle to look like a WWII era 1942 WLA Army motorcycle, of which 70,000 were made during the war. The studio used three of the bikes for riding and stunts during filming, with the other two remaining in the Harley-Davidson museum. Check out “Captain America: The First Avenger” in movies on July 22nd.
then : you’ll see mine 😉