There are quite a few first person shooter games for the iPhone out there, but Assassin FPS is the first of it’s kind. It’s a fun little app that will give you quite a bit of cheap entertainment. It uses the iPhone’s camera to create a FPS (first person shooter) game out of your actual surroundings. While there is no storyline or multiplayer type levels, it’s more of a game to entertainment yourself and shoot your friends without the hassle of cleaning up blood or burying bodies.
The app has some pretty cool sound effects and gameplay. You are able to choose from an AK-47, bazooka, dart-gun pr lazer blaster where you can then shoot up what you see on your screen. You can choose a sniper rifle and take aim at images in your photo library. After you’re done punching holes in your images, you can save them to your iPhone so you can see your work of art later.
Don’t expect Call of Duty type of shooter fun, it’s still a clever app that’s a freshening change from all the various gun noise making apps out there. For $.99 it’s well worth the small price to pay for dart-gun shooting fun.
Assassin FPS
Price: $.99
Check out some screen shots and a demo video below:
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