Remember back in 2008 when President Obama was elected? Remember how the price of guns and ammo went through the roof and were hard to come by? Well if everyone starts to believe the fud from 2008, then guns and ammo are going to fly off the shelves yet again. And ammo will be impossible to buy, yet again.
Stay calm people, let’s hear what Stephen Colbert has to say on the matter.
Jester67, Wayne is actually very “conservative’ on the issue, most other 2A orgs are more aggressive…and rightfully so. Stop allowing them to identify us. Wayne is right on about this. Oboma’s methods are well documented, he allows others to do the dirty work and remains clean….when given the chance, and when he has nothing to loose, he’ll reveal himself.
If Obama is re-elected, then we’ll see the attempts at gun regulation. He won’t have anything to lose. Much can be done with Executive Orders.
I really wish people would stop affiliating real, reasonable gun owners with that delusional NRA nut job.