Home Reviews CAA Micro RONI G19 Review

CAA Micro RONI G19 Review


CAA Micro RONI G19

Survival of the fittest dictates that we must always evolve to survive. The Micro RONI gen 2 from CAA has reached the apex thanks to a little help from the bill passed a while back allowing the shouldering of a pistol brace. We were extremely excited to get our hands on one of these.

The esthetics of the CAA Micro RONI is extremely reminiscent of the venerable MP7 with the magazine location and small compact package. The Micro RONI’s versatility allows one to turn a GLOCK 19/20,17/23 into an affordable yet still deplorably-lethal platform.

CAA Micro RONI review

CAA Micro RONI review

CAA Micro RONI review

The drop-in pistol system is ideal for those that want to expand the capability of their GLOCK. By allowing more contact points with the use of the rear arm-brace (used on the arm or shouldered), the forward portion is designed to allow hand placement for stability, and operation of the built in Light, and a laser we mounted on one of the rails mounted in the 3 and 9 o’clock position.

CAA Micro RONI G19 Review

The RONI has the option for a drop-in light that works real well with a relatively good range and hot spot. With the a light being integrated into the platform, a lot more real estate is freed up allowing for a endless number of options from a thumb stop, on the side, to a mounted laser, and of course an optic and sights.

CAA Micro RONI G19 Review

The RONI came to market at the perfect time with some of the new legislation being passed allowing the shouldering of an arm-brace; and the ability to fold the brace allows for grater versatility such as transporting the RONI in a back pack, as part of one’s EDC or under a coat for a PDW.

Because the RONI is still a “pistol”, this platform is perfect as a “truck gun” in states that allows pistols to be in vehicles of course. However, considering I typically carry a Glock 19 off duty, it is in my best interest to just carry the RONI in a support pack, especially considering that I’m always traveling and staying in hotels and going to questionable areas or places.

The only real problem is found with the Roni is slide release not really working, I believe the reason for this is that the designers of the CAA RONI did not take into account for the shape of an aftermarket slide-release. During standard operation we found that working the charging handle just overrode the slide release problem.


Aside from the slide release set back, this platform is an excellent addition for those that want a solid personal defense weapon with out having the hassle of the paperwork or wait for a tax stamp; on top of that the stipulations of carrying a pistol is far more flexible than an NFA idem, let alone a standard rifle.

This had become my personal choice for home defense

Because of the light capability enabled for positive identification in low light environment. The compact package is perfect for compact work, going room to room while maintaining a familiar grip and trigger as my GLOCK, because at the Roni’s core is my GLOCK.

The CAA Micro RONI retails for $349 but they can be found for much cheaper at retailers like Botach.com for under $300.

Check out all of our past reviews at our Reviews Page.


  1. How is the accuracy of it inside 50 yards? Would love to see some targets. Also wanted to know if it rubs the slide at all causing wear marks?


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