Home Reviews Jawbone Mossberg Shotgun Red Dot Mount Review

Jawbone Mossberg Shotgun Red Dot Mount Review


Jawbone Mossberg Red Dot Mount Review

There’s a common misconception about shotguns that you don’t have to aim them to be able to hit your target. While shotgun pellets do spread, you actually do have to aim to hit what you’re trying to shoot. Often times, shotguns come with a simple bead front sight. Tactical models may come with ghost ring sights or fiber optic sights and they definitely help improve accuracy. These days red dots are all the rage, especially on pistols and rifles, well now that trend has moved onto shotguns. 

Jawbone is veteran owned company based out of California that makes a mount that allows you to mount a red dot to select Mossberg shotguns, and when they offered me one to review I jumped at the chance. I have a trusty old Mossberg 590 that could use one of those newfangled red dots everyone is running.

Jawbone Mossberg Red Dot Mount Review

Included with the Jawbone kit is the mount, screws and wrench needed for installation. The mount is CNC machined out of aluminum in the USA.

Installing The Jawbone Mount

Jawbone Mossberg Red Dot Mount Review

The Jawbone mount is designed to be used with the Trijicon RMR and other sights that use the RMR mounting pattern, such as the Holosun HS507C or HS508T. I’ll be mounting an RMR on my Mossberg 590.

Jawbone Mossberg Red Dot Mount Review

After installing your red dot, turn the mount over and look to be sure the screws that came with your red dot do not stick out of the bottom of the tapped holes (see above). If they do you’ll need a set of shorter screws. 


The Jawbone mount is compatible with the Mossberg 500, 590 and 590 Shockwave shotguns with a drilled and tapped receiver. Be sure your shotgun is compatible before ordering. 

Jawbone Mossberg Red Dot Mount Review

It’s very important not to over tighten the mount to your receiver. Tighten the mount down to 18 in-lbs. If you’re going to use Loctite use Blue, NOT red. After you get her all mounted up head out to the range and sight her in. 

Shooting With The Jawbone Mount and Dot

Jawbone Mossberg Red Dot Mount Review

So why should you put a red dot on a shotgun? We all know you still have to aim your shotgun, but isn’t a bead or ghost rings enough? The short answer is, yes they are, but a red dot is certainly a step up from them. Just like with pistols and rifles, red dots on shotguns allow for much faster target acquisition and are easier to use in low light conditions. 

RMR on shotgun

I’ve used the Jawbone mount and RMR on my Mossberg 590 over a few range sessions and I can honestly say it definitely does help with faster target acquisition and it certainly improves accuracy. I’ve always been fairly accurate with my Mossberg 590 but the new setup makes it downright surgical. 

I put a few hundred shells of birdshot, buckshot and slugs (ouch) and the mount and screws were still on there tight. The lightweight of the aluminum mount and RMR didn’t interfere with the handling of the 590 either, which is sometimes a downfall when you start adding accessories to your firearms. 

As you can see in the picture above the mount puts the RMR in the perfect sight line. I’ve tried other setups where the red dot was mounted on a Picatinny rail on top of the shotgun and they always seemed a bit too high for me. 

RMR on mossberg 590

What it looks like using the Jawbone mount and RMR, unfortunately I couldn’t capture the dot on camera. But this setup does make acquiring targets much quicker and easier. 

Trijicon RMR on mossberg 590

A side view of the Jawbone mount and Trijicon RMR

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Red dot on mossberg 590 shotgun

Is a red dot needed to make you a better shotgun shooter? Absolutely not, but it definitely helps! I was very impressed with the Jawbone mount. If you’re looking to step up your scattergun game the Jawbone mount plus a red dot is the way to go. The only downside is you’re limited with what dots you can use (RMR and dots that use the RMR pattern) compared to a Picatinny setup, but if you’re going to invest in upgrading your shotgun then why not spring for the best compact red dot on the market? Especially if this is your duty or home defense shotgun. It’s hard to beat the Trijicon RMR, and the Jawbone mount. 

Sure there are other shotgun red dot mount setups on the market. However the Jawbone mount took less than 10 minutes to install, it was the perfect height on the Mossberg, it improved my speed and accuracy, and it’s made in the USA. 

The Jawbone mount retails for $69.99 over at jawbonetactical.com.

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red dot on mossberg shotgun



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