Check out these oldschool Colt AR-15 ads, if you fired your AR-15 like that now you’d probably get laughed off the range. Remember these classic gun ads from a while back? I wish I was around back then, looks at those prices!
Check out these oldschool Colt AR-15 ads, if you fired your AR-15 like that now you’d probably get laughed off the range. Remember these classic gun ads from a while back? I wish I was around back then, looks at those prices!
NOW I know where the gun-grabbers got the idea that a “pistol-grip enhances shooting the assault rifle from the hip”. Thanks a lot, Colt!
What was the point for that sort of pose?
Look at that oldschool shooting style!
Well, back then having an AR-15 made you invincible. Every cop in the United States was carrying a .38 caliber revolver and 18 total rounds. It took law enforcement years to gain access to the weapons systems required to compete with the bad guys. You were fortunate to have a 12 gauge pump in the squad car.