Ever since I was a kid and I saw Burt’s gunroom in Tremors I’ve always wanted to do something similar in my man cave. So I got to thinking, the easiest way to display my arsenal would probably be the tried and true pegboard. Pegboard has been used for organizing tools in people’s garages for ages, it’s perfect for displaying guns and accessories. It’s pretty easy to install and doesn’t cost too much at your local hardware store.
You can use standard mounts, but I found these gun pegboard racks on Amazon that were made specifically for pistols that are under $12 shipped,
They include a universal mounting bracket too in case you wanted to mount them directly to your wall. These power drill pegboard racks for under $5 would work perfectly for rifles and shotguns. This will be a fun little project to tackle this summer, and a perfect excuse to buy more guns to fill out my wall! Has anyone else done something like this with their collection?
[Image source: Airsoftsociety.com]
Not very timely, BUT…
Middle center weapon looks like a Colt/Bushmaster SCAMP in 5.56mm. Designed for downed aircrews. Fired from the forearm.
You’re thinking of the Colt IMP-221, AKA the “Davis Gun”; the SCAMP was a .22 machine pistol not 5.56
awesome heaters!
Nice job. I’m curious about the middle gun at the bottom. It looks vaguely familiar but I can’t quite place it. Possibly an Arm Rifle?
Colt IMP-221, AKA the “Davis Gun”
The first thing I thought of when I saw this was Burt’s gun wall. Thats pretty cool man. KCCO.